Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can you dig it?

Thus far life in Mexico has been a whirlwind of apartment searching, crazy work schedules, feeling somewhat homeless, having bouts of sickness and an occasional adventure here and there. The transition here has actually been harder than we thought that it would be - I think that in our minds we both thought that moving would be so dreamy and perfect and easy - and we forgot that sometimes moving to another country, beginning work in a new office, not having a place to live (yet frantically searching for one), trying to make new friends and fit in while not puking all over your new co-workers, can be somewhat of a challenge - and it has been. It hasn't been easy, but we have been figuring it out and have finally found a place to unpack for at least the next two months until we find something better. We move in Friday and are so excited to be able to unpack our suitcases, be able to get into a stable routine and just feel settled.

For the moment we are staying with our co-worker Diana and her family and they have been wonderfully accommodating by letting us stay at their house for the past two weeks. It has been such a blessing that she is here, otherwise I'm pretty sure that we would be sleeping night after night on the ever-too-comfortable click-clack fold out couch in the office (if you ever have had to spend a night on a click-clack, you will understand the sarcasm in that comment).

But, besides things being somewhat difficult - we are still so glad that we made the move and are finally together, and we have also managed to find time to have some fun and just relax. We are finding ourselves feeling somewhat trapped in the city that is Oaxaca and so have been trying to go on hikes to get out into nature as it helps both of us feel more balanced, so this weekend we took two major hikes (with Olliecito in tow!) and was able to reconnect a little bit with Pachamama (Quecha for Mother Earth).

A side note about Ollie - he comes everywhere with us! He is riding the buses, the taxis, going to restaurants, markets, every apartment that we have seen, etc. It's great and so nice that Oaxaca is a dog friendly city...

Here are some pics of what we have been up to lately....

We hiked to the cross above Oaxaca to look out over the city...

Ollie enjoying the sunset

E & O overlooking Oaxaca

Jonny washing dishes with our newest and greatest 3 year old friend Kenai

The ProWorld team took a day out of the office to go and volunteer at one of our local community partners. It was great to get away from our computers for a bit and get dirty. Here we are preparing a garden bed. Can you dig it?

We went to Hierve el Agua - a petrified waterfall outside of the city of Oaxaca

And thats about it for now.....I'll update more once we have moved in this weekend! Stay tuned..


Caroline said...

The cross and view look a lot like Urubamba... :)

Anonymous said...

I loved your posts! You are an amazing girl! You should really write a book someday on all of your life adventures. I will be the first one to buy it!